Interactive tree of Queen of England Isabella Taillefer Of Angouleme

Eleanor of England 12691298
Henry III Count of Bar
Joan of Acre 12721307
Earl of Chester Alphonso 12731284
Margaret of England 12751333
Mary Plantagenet 12791332
William 1st Earl of Northampton deBohun 13121360
Elizabeth Countess of Northampton 3rd Baroness of Badlesmere DeBadlesmere 13131356
Elizabeth of Rhuddlan 12821316
Humphrey De Bohun 4th Earl of Hereford 12761321
Edward II King of England 12841327
Isabella of France
Edward I Longshanks King of England 12391307
Eleanor of Castile 12441290
Henry III England 12071272
Eleanor of Provence 12171291
Queen of England Isabella Taillefer Of Angouleme 11881246
John Lackland England 11661216
Aymer Count of Angouleme 11601202
Alice of Courtenay 11601218
William VI of Angouleme
Marguerite of Turenne
Wulgrin II of Angouleme
Pontia de la Marche
Henry II Of England 11321189
Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11221204
Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count Of Anjou 11131151
Empress Matilda of England 11021167
Fulk V The Younger King of Jerusalem Anjou 10921143
Ermengarde Countess of Anjou of Maine 10941126
Fulke Count of Anjou 10431109
Bertrade DeMontfort 10591117
Elias I Count of Maine
Mathilde de Château-du-Loir 1099
Henry I Beauclerc King of England 10681135
Matilda Edith Scotland Canmore 10791118
Matilda Edith of Scotland 10791118
William I King of England 10281087
Matilda of Flanders 10311083
Malcom III of Scotland 10311093
Saint Margaret of Scotland 10451093
Duke of Aquitaine William X 10991137
Aenor de Chatellerault
William IX of Aquitaine 10711126
William VIII of Aquitaine 10251086